Just really busy...
Just a quick update on life. I have gone back to working outside of the home full time and I am happy to say that I am a much happier person, wife and mother (just ask Steve). I am working on the medical/surgical floor at the Timpanogos Hospital as a PCT and I am loving it. We have had a lot of things happen since the last post, and I am sorry to say that it wouldn't be possible to "catch up" on everything, but after all, do I really have to feel bad that I am "behind on my blog"?? Anyway, I will just list a few things. I will add the pictures to go along with these things at a later date.
1. Abby turned the big ONE on October 9, 2008 and we had a great little party for her. She of course scored big and added more toys, books, clothes and shoes to the mix.
2. Abby was a 50's girl for Halloween, and I am proud to say that I made the poodle skirt myself. I actually made three of them, one for Abby and two for the little neighbor girls. They turned out surprisingly well.
3. We spent Thanksgiving in Colorado with Steve's parents. We were able to get a four generation picture, learn a little bit more about the extended family and visit the grave site of Steve's oldest twin brothers that passed away shortly after birth. It was a great weekend full of relaxing and mostly just "getting away from it all."
4. Steve and I celebrated our birthday's in the month of November. Me turning 22 and him turning 27. BORING!
5. Took the house off the market, looks like king street will be our home for a while longer.
6. Christmas came and went like a blur and we spent it with my family. I worked Christmas eve at 3 pm and ended up staying until 5 am Christmas morning. So I mostly worked, but that is ok. Santa came and left Abby few toys and some clothes.
So there is a short list of the most important things that happened over the last few months. Now it is almost February, where has January gone? All I can say is, time flies when you are having fun...