Our Abby is the center of our lives, and she will never let us forget it! It has been a long time since I have updated our blog and lets face it, no one really cares about what is going on with Steve and I, so here is what you have all been waiting for.
Abby turned 3 on October 9th and we had a super fun "pony party". We had tons of people come. This little gal is one loved girl! She got totally spoiled and loved every minute of it!

-She can count to 10 with no help and will occasionally surprise you and continue on straight through 20.
-She knows her ABC's, knows what sound each letter makes and can recognize all her letters. She also can recognize her name when we write it and can spell her name.
-She knows all of her basic colors and shapes.
-She loves to color and on occasion it gets a little out of hand, coloring flows right on the walls and doors and even daddy's flat screen TV. Big trouble!
-Her hair is getting longer and becoming more and more curly each day.
-She is extremely stubborn and most the time if it is not her idea, it does not fly. This has proved to be quite challenging in the potty training arena, but we are working on it.
- She comes up with some pretty funny stuff. I wish I would write it down right after she says it because it happens so frequently that I often forget some of the things that make me laugh.
-We successfully transitioned her into a "big girl bed" and it went surprisingly smoother than I had anticipated.

-She loves her daddy very much and often expresses her love for him in the form of wet willies. (When being questioned as to who taught her such nonsense I stated that I could neither confirm nor deny that accusation, hehehe!!)
-She still continues to be a fantastic sleeper, clocking in at least 13-15 hours of sleep per day. 11-12 hours at night and 2-3 hour nap in the afternoons.
-She told her babysitter, Sammie, the other day, "Jesus is my best friend!" I guess some of the nursery lessons are sticking!

-She "put her make-up on" the other day. "Now I look just like you, mommy!" Um... yeah sweetheart, very pretty!

-And just another super-cute picture of her for good measure!
We sure love her a lot and don't know what life would be like without her!
Abby turned 3 on October 9th and we had a super fun "pony party". We had tons of people come. This little gal is one loved girl! She got totally spoiled and loved every minute of it!
-She can count to 10 with no help and will occasionally surprise you and continue on straight through 20.
-She knows her ABC's, knows what sound each letter makes and can recognize all her letters. She also can recognize her name when we write it and can spell her name.
-She knows all of her basic colors and shapes.
-She loves to color and on occasion it gets a little out of hand, coloring flows right on the walls and doors and even daddy's flat screen TV. Big trouble!
-Her hair is getting longer and becoming more and more curly each day.
-She is extremely stubborn and most the time if it is not her idea, it does not fly. This has proved to be quite challenging in the potty training arena, but we are working on it.
- She comes up with some pretty funny stuff. I wish I would write it down right after she says it because it happens so frequently that I often forget some of the things that make me laugh.
-We successfully transitioned her into a "big girl bed" and it went surprisingly smoother than I had anticipated.

-She loves her daddy very much and often expresses her love for him in the form of wet willies. (When being questioned as to who taught her such nonsense I stated that I could neither confirm nor deny that accusation, hehehe!!)
-She still continues to be a fantastic sleeper, clocking in at least 13-15 hours of sleep per day. 11-12 hours at night and 2-3 hour nap in the afternoons.
-She told her babysitter, Sammie, the other day, "Jesus is my best friend!" I guess some of the nursery lessons are sticking!

-She "put her make-up on" the other day. "Now I look just like you, mommy!" Um... yeah sweetheart, very pretty!

-And just another super-cute picture of her for good measure!
We sure love her a lot and don't know what life would be like without her!